Monday, July 30, 2012

29.07.12 (Duxford, UK) - The Only War Museum I'm A-War Of - Part 1

29.07.12 (Duxford, UK)

Sunday. I convince Ahron to go to the Duxford War Museum for the day. A fifteen minute coach ride and seventeen pound entry fee (per person) later and we're finally inside. The War Museum is arranged along an airstrip that must string along the Anglian fields for a solid mile. The runway is in operation year round, the site of airshows and celebrations, but today several single-prop pre-war biplanes take off and land with regularity. We enter at one end and walk from one end to the other, looking at the exhibits, hidden away in giant clinically clean hangars. There are several locations that we saw at the museum, and it rained toward the end of our trip, drenching us because we were only wearing tee shirts and shorts. 

Instead of waxing on about our journey, taking almost four hours, I'll just show you the pictures and you can narrate for yourselves. Enjoy!

The Boeing B17 Flying Fortress, or Memphis Belle, in all her glory. This plane is still in operation, though it does not have any scheduled flights today.

In the first hangar were a bunch of planes (unsurprisingly). Here are a few:

(Part two to follow...)

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